As the world grapples with environmental challenges, businesses are stepping up to lead by example. At Advantum, this effort to “go green” is being spearheaded not only at the organizational level but also through individual employee initiatives that are making an impact both inside and outside the workplace. One such effort comes from Shelby, who has worked closely with a particularly traditional client to modernize operations and reduce waste.

The client, a doctor’s office that relied almost exclusively on paper-based systems, had been sending weekly courier deliveries filled with handwritten notes, charges, and deposit information—a process that, while familiar, was not only environmentally harmful but also out of step with compliance standards. For Shelby, who was on the receiving end of these deliveries, it was clear that a change was needed.

“I spoke with the doctor earlier this year about updating his practice,” Shelby explained. “He was hesitant because they weren’t very tech-savvy, but I reassured him that I would personally train him and his staff on the necessary technology.”

The solution involved more than just a conversation. Shelby took the initiative to purchase a computer and scanner for the doctor’s office, installed the equipment herself, and provided hands-on training for both the doctor and his staff. The result? A significant reduction in paper use—approximately 800 fewer sheets of paper per week—alongside faster turnaround times for processing charges and payments.

But the impact didn’t stop there. The office’s paper-heavy refund process was also transformed. Previously, Shelby would mail a monthly refund report to the doctor, who would then send refund checks via courier. Now, the process is digital: Shelby scans the report, the office mails out checks directly to patients, and Advantum saves not only paper but also the cost of postage.

The shift has been a win-win. The doctor’s office is now compliant with modern standards and enjoys a more efficient workflow, while Advantum continues to strengthen its commitment to sustainability.

“I am thankful for Advantum’s ‘Go Green’ initiative,” Shelby says. “It’s been inspiring to see how even small changes can have a big impact. Every little bit truly counts.”

As Advantum employees like Shelby lead the charge in reducing waste and promoting sustainable practices, the company remains committed to expanding these efforts. It’s a reminder that businesses, employees, and clients alike all have a role to play in preserving our planet for future generations.