In the realm of Human Resources, few individuals shine as brightly as Aria Thomas-Johnson, the dynamic HR Manager at Advantum Health. With a career marked by innovation and a passion for people, Aria has transformed her role into a powerful force for positive change within the workplace. Her journey from an ambitious undergraduate to a key player in her company’s HR strategy is a testament to her dedication and vision.

Aria’s venture into Human Resources began during her undergraduate studies, where an internship sparked her interest in employee relations. “I saw a need for better employee relations in the workplace,” she recalls. “I was the first person to ever intern and make a significant contribution to the company.” It was during this internship that Aria made a lasting impact by implementing an Employee Recognition Program, which significantly boosted employee engagement and retention. “Leadership saw the positive impact it had and decided to permanently adopt it as part of their company initiatives. I’m proud to say that this company still uses the program to this day.”

Aria’s educational background laid a solid foundation for her career. She pursued her undergraduate degree in Business Administration with a minor in Management at Kentucky Christian University, followed by a graduate degree in Human Resources with a minor in Management from Capella University. This blend of business acumen and specialized HR knowledge equipped her with the skills necessary to excel in her field.

For Aria, the most rewarding aspect of her job is the opportunity to serve others. “My true passion is to serve,” she says. “In this role, I hope to support the people-related aspects of an organization, by driving employee engagement, retention, and productivity, and ultimately contributing to the achievement of strategic goals and objectives.” Her commitment to fostering a supportive and engaging workplace is at the heart of her professional ethos.

Aria is acutely aware of the challenges facing the HR industry, both now and in the future. “Reskilling and upskilling are major concerns,” she explains. Advances in technology, such as automation and artificial intelligence, are transforming job roles and creating a demand for new skills. “There is often a gap between employees’ skills and those required for emerging roles, resulting in challenges in finding qualified talent internally or externally.”

At Advantum Health, the company culture has played a significant role in Aria’s career development. “The culture here fosters continuous learning,” she notes. “Creating an organizational culture that values and encourages learning and development at all levels helps leaders adapt to new models and technologies.” This emphasis on growth and adaptation has been instrumental in her professional success.

Outside of her professional achievements, Aria has a few fun facts to share. Standing tall at 5’11”, she confesses that she can’t swim, doesn’t know how to whistle, and harbors a distinct dislike for cheeseburgers. These personal tidbits add a charming touch to her formidable professional persona.

Aria Thomas-Johnson’s story is one of dedication, innovation, and a genuine passion for improving the workplace. As she continues to navigate the evolving landscape of Human Resources, her commitment to serving and empowering others remains steadfast, making her a true asset to Advantum Health and the HR community at large.